Exeo Ipsum


Exeo Ipsum

Agricultural Machinery

At Exeo Ipsum we focus our activity on the commercialization and distribution of agricultural machinery, promoting solutions adapted to your needs.

Agricultural Machinery at Exeo Ipsum


Agricultural machine used to cut and collect grains, separating them from the straw and cleaning them, all in a single operation.

Vibrator for trees

Agricultural machine that shakes trees to make their fruits, such as olives or nuts, fall, facilitating their harvesting.

Weed control

Machine to eliminate or reduce unwanted plants in crops, using mechanical, thermal or chemical methods to improve the health and yield of the desired plants.

Inter-row herbicide bars

Devices that apply herbicides precisely between crop rows, reducing weed competition without damaging the desired plants.


Machine that sows seeds or seedlings in the soil uniformly and efficiently.

Pruning machine

Equipment used to cut and shape the branches of trees and shrubs, improving their health and productivity.


Machine that cuts and cleans unwanted vegetation, such as weeds, tall grass and small bushes... Keeping the area clean and tidy.

Interprofile machine

Machine that cuts vegetation between rows of crops or grass, keeping the area clean and tidy.

Root shredder

This device grinds and disintegrates the roots of unwanted plants, facilitating the preparation of the soil for new crops.

Box trailers

Towed vehicles that have a cargo box for transporting agricultural materials such as grains, fruits, tools and other inputs.

Roller Crop

Regenerative roller with shovels to trample (mash) the plant cover in the final phase of flowering and create a layer of plant residues, improving soil fertility.
